Sunday, January 29, 2017

Your Plan of Salvation

Now this is what religion is all about. This is what the church is here for. The church is here to give us encouragement and guidance and direction and motivation. And cause us to want to do and in fact to do the things that will enable us to climb the straight and narrow path at the end of which is the glorious reward of eternal life. This is how we work out our salvation.

Now everyone really has a different personal plan of salvation. You make your own. You sit down and figure out where you are on the path that goes from repentance and baptism to the high reward of eternal life. And when you've determined where you are then you figure out what you have to do to take successive steps up that ladder. And they are different for every person. And then having so determined, live one day at a time, doing that day what's necessary to further the interest that is involved.

Bruce R. McConkie "How to Get Your Own Plan of Salvation" BYU Speech Apr 11 1972