Monday, November 8, 2010

Joseph Fielding Smith

Next I mention Joseph Fielding Smith, tenth President of the Church. He was ordained and set apart on January 23, 1970, at the age of 93.

On one occasion I was touring the missions in the South Pacific, having left my wife and family at home. I remember that when I arrived at Auckland, New Zealand, after four or five weeks of meetings in many countries, there was a letter for me from Joseph Fielding Smith, who at that time was my quorum president. He wrote, “Dear Brother Monson, I’ve been thinking about you and thought you’d like to know that all is well here at home, and I am very pleased that you are in the South Pacific area of the world. My prayers have been with you. We are ready to welcome you home when you return. Sincerely, Joseph Fielding Smith.” What a kind and thoughtful thing to do.

As one of the Church’s most prolific writers, President Smith’s numerous books and articles helped educate generations of Latter-day Saints concerning the history and doctrine of the Church. He was direct in his teaching of adherence to gospel principles, and yet he was particularly tender in his attitude toward those who fell short.

His favorite song was “Prayer Is the Soul’s Sincere Desire.” And I’ll add the next thought: “uttered or unexpressed.” And as for his favorite food, I observed him at our luncheon table in the temple on Thursdays, and he seemed to love sweet pickles. I hate them! I would see to it that he got the sweet pickles, and I’d take the dill pickles.

What would be a favorite quotation from President Smith? From the book of Alma in the Book of Mormon he emphasized the scripture “Wickedness never was happiness.” I’ll repeat it: “Wickedness never was happiness.”

What would be his guiding principle for us? It would be gospel scholarship. He was truly a scholar. I believe we could say that he would leave for you and for me this advice: Be studious. I say that to you as student body members too: be studious. When it is test week, you’ll be grateful you were studious!

President Joseph Fielding Smith served as President of the Church for two and a half years, until his death on July 2, 1972, at the age of 95.

Thomas S. Monson "Principles From Prophets" September 15 2009 BYU Devotional

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