Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Discarded Book of Mormon

"We were in St. George Sunday and attended a sacrament meeting there. A young man, a missionary laboring there, spoke. He held in his hand a well-worn copy of the Book of Mormon. He told us of that book. It had been left in his parents' home years before by missionaries. It was put aside without being read. His mother, in cleaning the bookshelves, dropped it with other books into a box on the back porch to be put in the garbage. Her son saw the box and, out of curiosity, looked at its contents and found the Book of Mormon. He commenced reading it. He was intrigued with it. It eventually led to his finding the missionaries. They taught him and he was baptized. He is now serving in southern Utah--an effective missionary. He stated that this same Book of Mormon passed about for reading by his friends and led to the conversion and baptism of seven other young men who are now serving in the mission field. They, with their associates, are literally carrying "a message of hope and reconciliation to a needy world.""

Gordon B. Hinckley "A Unique and Wonderful University" 11 October 1988. BYU Devotional.

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