Tuesday, July 20, 2010

True Love

"You know true love is not looking at watch other in one of those old-fashioned loveseats --looking into each other's eyes. That isn't true love. True love is that love which comes into your heart and motivates your life when you arise from the alter and both of you look in the same direction, down through eternity. That is true love, where both are looking in the same direction.

"The Maori in referring to his wie says: "Taku hoa wahine." That means, "My companion wife." The wife, in speaking of her companion, says: "Taku hoa tane.""My companion husband." I like that a little better than just saying, "My wife," or "My husband."

""My companion wife," "My companion husband!" Companionship implies a oneness of direction, right down through eternity."

Matthew Cowley Speaks (Deseret Book Co., 1971), pp. 13-14.

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