Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A Mormon Meeting

It was not often Brother Lund was bothered. Even in places where other Elders had suffered persecution, he succeeded in making friends. Sometimes, however, he also tasted the opposite. On one occasion, when he was out inviting people to a meeting in the evening, he came into a house and informed a woman he met that there would be a meeting that very evening, and invited her to attend.

"What kind of a meeting?" she asked.
"A 'Mormon' meeting," he replied.

There came a change over her face instantly and she became a perfect fury. She grabbed her firetongs and screamed, "I will give you a 'Mormon' meeting!" and flew at him.

He thought discretion the better part of valor, and ran out of the house, but the woman followed, and in her highest voice called on her husband to shoot the "Mormon." She made such a disturbance that the neighbors came running to see what was the matter.

Years afterwards, when Brother Lund had charge of the Ephraim Co-op, a lady came into the store and said to him, "You do not know ,e, but I have seen you once. Do you remember a woman who ran after you with a pair of firetongs?"

"Yes," he answered, "but you are not that woman, for her face I have never forgotten."

"No," she said, "I was her neighbor, and seeing her running after you, I asked her what you had done. She said that you had invited her to a 'Mormon' meeting. I became curious to learn something about the 'Mormons' and went to the meeting. I heard you speak and was convinced of the truth."

J.M. Sjodahl, "Memorial Address of Funeral Service of Anthon H. Lund" (J.Reuben Clark Library, BYU, Provo, Utah), pp.11-12.

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